OpenLdap – LSC – Active Directory sync and login pass-through


Example user name Jenkins login process:

Install and config OpenLDAP


apt-get install slapd ldap-utils libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit

Note: libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit may not need

Admin username and password: admin / demopassword (note that admin is default username of Admin in OpenLDAP)

Edit file /etc/ldap/ldap.conf, add:

BASE dc=your_ad_domain,dc=local
URI ldap://ldap-server.your_ad_domain.local ldap://ldap-server.your_ad_domain.local:666

ldap-server is the hostname of server openldap installed, to change hostname in Ubuntu:

Edit hostname nano /etc/hostname content ldap-server.your_ad_domain.local

Edit host file nano /etc/hosts content ldap-server.your_ad_domain.local

update value, run dpkg-reconfigure slapd

select No
enter DNS domain name: your_ad_domain.local
enter Organization name: CompanyName
enter admin password:demopassword
Database backend to use: MDB
slapt is purged: Yes
move old database: Yes
Allow LDAPv2 protocol? No

Test Ldap is running: ldapsearch -x

View Ldap server status: /etc/init.d/slapd status

Install LSC (tool support sync data between ldap server)

Files & Example:

$ apt-get install default-jre
$ nano /etc/apt/sources.list

add content:

deb lsc main
deb-src lsc main

run apt-get update

Import reponsitory public key: wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Install: apt-get install lsc


$ mkdir /etc/lsc/ad2openldap
$ nano /etc/lsc/ad2openldap/lsc.xml

LSC will sync data source from Active Directory to OpenLDAP, content of lsc.xml:

Note: is a public domain point to IP address of AD server to get data.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<lsc xmlns="" revision="0">
                <connection reference="ldap-src-conn" />
                <!-- <getAllFilter>(objectClass=user)</getAllFilter> -->
                <!-- <getOneFilter>(&amp;(objectClass=user)(samAccountName={samAccountName})(mail=*))</getOneFilter> -->
                <!-- <cleanFilter>(&amp;(objectClass=user)(samAccountName={uid})(mail=*))</cleanFilter> -->
                <connection reference="ldap-dst-conn" />
                <mainIdentifier>"uid=" +
                    srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("samAccountName") +
                        <string>js:(srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("sn") != null  ? srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("sn").toUpperCase() : null )</string>
                        <string>js:"{SASL}" +
                            srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("samAccountName") + "@your_ad_domain.local"</string>
                    <!-- <policy>FORCE</policy> -->
                        <string>js:(srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("sn") != null  ? srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("sn").toUpperCase() : null )</string>
                <connection reference="ldap-src-conn" />
                    <!-- <string>objectClass</string> -->
                <!-- <serverType>ActiveDirectory</serverType> -->
                <connection reference="ldap-dst-conn" />
                    <!-- <string>gidNumber</string> -->
                <mainIdentifier>js:"cn=" + srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("cn") + ",OU=Groups,dc=your_ad_domain,dc=local"</mainIdentifier>
                                    var membersSrcDn = srcBean.getDatasetValuesById("member");
                                    var membersDstDn = new java.util.ArrayList();;
                                    for  (var i=0; i < membersSrcDn.size(); i++) {
                                            var memberSrcDn = membersSrcDn.get(i);
                                            var sAMAccountName = "";
                                            try {
                                                    sAMAccountName = srcLdap.attribute(memberSrcDn, "samAccountName").get(0);
                                            } catch(e) {
                                            var destDn ="ou=Users", "(uid=" + sAMAccountName + ")");
                                            if (destDn.size() == 0 || destDn.size() > 1) {
                                            var destMemberDn = destDn.get(0) + "," +  ldap.getContextDn();
                                    if (membersDstDn.size() == 0) {

You need a logback configuration in this directory: run cp /etc/lsc/logback.xml /etc/lsc/ad2openldap/

To test is working: /usr/bin/lsc -f /etc/lsc/ad2openldap -s all -c all -n

To real sync, remove -n

Create a crontab run sync every 6 hours: run crontab -e, add 0 */6 * * * /usr/bin/lsc -f /etc/lsc/ad2openldap -s all -c all, save cron.

Use Active Directory to authentication user for LDAP (OpenLDAP pass-through)

Concept: User login, OpenLdap check user password field (userPassword), if it has format: {SASL}[email protected] OpenLdap with authentication user via saslauthd service, saslauthd server with connect to AD and return the result.

$ apt install sasl2-bin
# edit saslauthd
$ nano /etc/default/saslauthd

add content:

# Should saslauthd run automatically on startup? (default: no)
# Example: MECHANISMS="pam"

OpenLDAP service account name: openldap – view in file /etc/default/slapd

Add OpenLDAP service account to the sasl group: adduser openldap sasl

Create file /etc/saslauthd.conf, content

ldap_servers: ldap://
ldap_search_base: DC=your_ad_domain,DC=local
ldap_filter: (sAMAccountName=%u)
ldap_bind_dn: cn=user_to_login_ad,ou=SomeOU,dc=your_ad_domain,dc=local
ldap_password: password_to_login_ad

Restart service to update setting: root@ldap-server:/# service saslauthd restart

To test authentication:

$ testsaslauthd -u some_ad_user_ex -p user_password
0: OK "Success."

Create file /usr/lib/sasl2/slapd.conf, edit file nano /usr/lib/sasl2/slapd.conf, add content

pwcheck_method: saslauthd
saslauthd_path: /run/saslauthd/mux

OpenLdap with check password field, if format {SASL}xxx… it with go to Active Directory to authentication user.

Fix Error:

Jan 21 02:25:58 ldap-server.your_ad_domain.local slapd[20263]: SASL [conn=1001] Failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: Permission denied

To resolve:

apt install apparmor-utils
aa-complain usr.sbin.slapd

Setting /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.slapd to complain mode.

$ /etc/init.d/slapd restart
$ service saslauthd restart


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#OpenLdap #LSC #ActiveDirectory #Sync