[DiveIn] Deciphering Python: How to use Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) to understand code

Let’s get a little “meta” about programming.

How does the Python program (better know as the interpreter) “know” how to run your code? If you’re new to programming, it may seem like magic. In fact, it still seems like magic to me after being a professional for more than a decade.

The Python interpreter is not magic (sorry to disappoint you). It follows a predictable set of steps to translate your code into instructions that a machine can run.

[Learn] Hello World - the weirdest way!

Lòng vòng trên internet và lượm được, viết chương trình in ra "Hello world!" the weirdest way!

python hello_world.py
Hello World!

[eBook] A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django

Loạt bài viết chi tiết hướng dẫn xây dựng ứng dụng web với Django framework

Buggy Python Code: The 10 Most Common Mistakes That Python Developers Make

Source and author: https://www.toptal.com/python/top-10-mistakes-that-python-programmers-make

Python's simple, easy-to-learn syntax can mislead Python developers -- especially those who are newer to the language -- into missing some of its subtleties and underestimating the power of the language. In this article, Toptal's Martin Chikilian presents a "top 10" list of somewhat subtle, harder-to-catch mistakes that can trip up even the most advanced Python developer.

[Ebook] Python Cheat Sheet

Another Python cheat sheet collection

Python 3.9 Install on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Quick notes

Install addition python version on Ubuntu 20.04