Google Chrome Browser on Ubuntu – Fix some GPU problem

Running Google Chrome Browser on Ubuntu may have some problem with GPU-acceleration, especially when you are using a NVIDIA GPU.

Some problems I have so far:

How to know gpu status? type chrome://gpu on address bar

This is not major problem, but when watching Video or using full-screen application you may see screen tearing or slow render pages.

How to fix?

Some modify need add as parameter when launching Chrome. Check the file /etc/environment to find which folder include in PATH, investigate these folder to know which file execute by google-chrome command.

Example, on my OS (Ubuntu 16.04), execute file is: /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome

run google-chrome in terminal, is call /etc/alternatives/google-chrome, then this path point to file /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome

Fix No hardware accelerate at All

in about://flags, force enable Override software rendering

Fix CheckerImaging: Disabled

Edit file /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome: add --enable-features="CheckerImaging" as below:

Fix Native GpuMemoryBuffers: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled

Same as above, add flag: --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers

Make Chrome render faster (read here):

Open about://flags (or chrome://flags), find and enable flag Zero-copy rasterizer

Restart Google Chrome, go to chrome://gpu, check in Compositor Information, make sure value Tile Update Mode = Zero-copy

Fix Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled

Open about://flags (or chrome://flags), find and enable flag GPU rasterization

Restart Google Chrome, all done.

Here is the result I have:



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